The Original Green DR CBD

Best THCV gummies for weight loss & Energy Green DR SLIM BEAR 15mg THCV per gummy

$25.00 $30.00

Experience the benefits of THCV with these delicious gummies, each with 15mg of THCV and no added sugar. Enjoy natural appetite suppression and possible pain relaxation. THCV has reportedly been shown to ease panic and may assist to restore calmness. Get the energy-boosting and appetite-curbing effects you're looking for. Try Best THCV Gummies now!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your healthcare provider before use.

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All Natural

100% Hemp Derived

Full-spectrum means we’re using totally pure, 100% hemp-derived CBD extract containing up to 0.3% THC instead of inferior, artificial synthetic isolates.

Industry Leading

Lab Grade Quality

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Locally Sourced

Our hemp is locally sourced from mainland Michigan. The local air, soil, and water, manifests purity and nutritional value into our products.

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